Section 4: Advances in Mesoscale Simulation Methodology

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LB simulation of 3D spinodal decomposition in the inertial regime

Viv Kendon1, JC Desplat2, Peter Bladon1, Mike Cates1
1Edinburgh University Dept. of Physics and 2Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre

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32^3 section, Run014
Contents(click to jump to section):
  • Introduction
  • Model
  • Theory
  • Comparison between different data sets
  • Simulation and analysis methods
  • Results
  • Inertial regime
  • Conclusions
  • References


    When an incompressible binary fluid mixture is quenched far below its spinodal temperature, it will phase separate into domains of the two fluids.

    Here we study the simplest case - two fluids A and B have identical properties in all respects except that they are mutually phobic - and a deep quench so thermodynamic equilibrium has the two fluids completely demixed.

    phase separation

    For a 50-50 mixture the two fluids form an interlocking structure as they separate. Shown in the diagram on the right is the interface between them at successive times, the interface is light blue, and the coloured plane shows the red/blue fluid within the domains.

    The late-stage growth is driven by capillary forces (Laplace pressure), arising from curvature of the (sharply defined) interface between the two fluids; these drive fluid flows from regions of tight curvature (necks, narrow liquid bridges) into those of low interfacial curvature (large domains).

    Note that for coarsening of a bicontinuous structure to proceed this way, one also requires discrete ``pinch-off" events to continually occur: each of these allows the topology to change discontinuously in time. In the picture for time T=3000 (simulation units), a neck close to breaking point can be seen towards the upper left of the image.

    Besides the relative concentrations of the two fluids (50-50) and the quench depth, the other significant parameters are the surface tension, sigma, the viscosity, eta, and the fluid mass density, rho, There is also a mobility parameter, lambda, which controls the diffusion.

    More details of this work can be found in[Kendon et al.(1999)].

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    This simple system is modeled by a pair of coupled differential equations for the fluid velocity and fluid composition. The fluid velocity obeys the Navier-Stokes equation with a forcing term from the interface, which moves the fluid around as it straightens and shrinks. The fluid composition is modeled as the difference in density between the two fluids, phi, which plays the role of the order parameter, and evolves via a convection diffusion equation in which convection is provided by the fluid velocity.

    The free energy, F, for the system is chosen to have a double well potential with parameters determined so as to cause sharp interfaces to form,

    F = int dr lcb - A phi2 + B phi4 + k( nabla phi )2 + 1/3 rho ln rho rcb.

    Parameters A and B control the shape and depth of the double well, while k determines the interfacial tension between the two fluids. The interface width is about 6 xi, where xi2 = k/2A.

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    Given the above model, theory says that there should be three distinct, universal growth regions[Bray(1994)] for the average domain size, L:

    lstar is a crossover length between the viscous hydrodynamic region, where viscous drag is the main resistance to the driving force, to the inertial region where finite Reynold's number effects come into play. Theory predicts that

    lstar = eta2 / rho sigma,

    where sigma is the surface tension.

    A prediction of a further crossover to a scaling in which L scales as T1/2 was made recently [Grant and Elder(1999)]. The argument is that turbulence will develop as the system coarsens further into the inertial region, and this will eventually remix the fluids by disrupting the interface, slowing down the growth still further from T2/3.

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    Comparison between different data sets

    In order to compare different simulations in a meaningful, universal way, we need to use length and time scales based on the physical parameters of the system. For given values of eta, rho and sigma, it is possible to form a characteristic length,

    L0 = eta2 / rho sigma,

    and a characteristic time,

    T0 = eta3 / rho sigma2.

    Using L0 and T0 as the units of length and time, the scaling equations become,

    L = b T -- linear region,
    L = c T2/3 -- inertial region,

    where b and c are universal constants.

    A useful non-dimensional measure used to characterise fluid systems is the Reynolds number, Re, defined as (velocity x length)/(kinematic viscosity). For this system, the obvious choices of typical length and velocity are L and dL/dT, giving Re = L dL/dT, since in these scaled units, with fluid density, rho = 1, the viscosity is equal to 1. The Reynolds number gives an estimate of the ratio of the nonlinear term in the Navier-Stokes equation, (v. nabla)v, to the viscous term, eta nabla 2v, where v is the fluid velocity.

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    Simulation and analysis methods

    LB lattice

    The above model equations have been simulated using a Lattice Boltzmann (LB) method, on a D3Q15 lattice (see diagram, right). For details of the method, see[Swift et al.(1996)]; details of the code will appear in[Bladon and Desplat].

    The simulations were run on the two of the parallel computers at the Edinburgh Parallel Computing Centre, a Cray T3D and a Hitachi SR-2201. The largest system size was 2563, using 256 processors on the T3D, and producing around 4Gb of output data in the form of order parameter and velocity fields coarse-grained down to 1283.

    The LB method allows the values of the viscosity, surface tension, fluid density, interface width and mobility (diffusion) to be set; careful choice of these parameters is necessary to ensure that the simulation

    The order parameter data was analysed to extract a length scale using Fourier transforms to obtain the first moment of the spherically averaged structure factor.

    The velocity field was also analysed using Fourier transforms to compute derivatives, in order to compare the magnitude of the viscous and inertial terms in the Navier-Stokes equation, and measure the skewness of the longitudinal velocity derivatives.

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    For each simulation run, the measured lengths (obtained from the order parameter data) and times have been scaled using L0 and T0 to form a single universal graph of domain growth. (Also, in order to focus on the viscous and inertial regions, any offset due to an initial diffusive period has been subtracted.) This enabled all of the main data runs to be displayed on a single log-log plot, see below, covering five decades of reduced length and seven decades of reduced time.

    Results graph

    The eight main LB runs cover a linear region 1 < T < 102, a long crossover region, 102 < T < 106 and an inertial region 106 < T < 108, so the predicted scaling behaviour is observed in our results.

    No single run could cover the range of length and time scales presented here, for that a simulation grid of around a million cubed would be required, run for around 1010 time steps.

    This is the first time the inertial region has been clearly observed in simulation, see[Kendon et al.(1999)] for discussion of other related work.

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    Inertial region

    Since there are many factors that could produce a scaling that appears to be T2/3, we made a number of checks to make sure that our observed results really are due to the simulation being in the inertial region, and further, to see if the inertial nature of the fluid was leading to the development of turbulence:

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    We have used a Lattice-Boltzmann method to successfully simulate spinodal decomposition of a symetric, binary fluid mixture in the linear (viscous hydrodynamic) region, through a broad crossover to the inertial region where the domain size scales as T2/3, the first time the inertial region has been unambiguously observed in simulation.

    In the linear region, L < 1, with L=bT we find the universal constant, b, to have a value around b = 0.070 +/- 0.007.

    This small value of b leads to the crossover region corresponding to large values of T of around 102 to 106. Expressed in terms of Reynolds numbers, Re = L dL/dT, the crossover region does not appear so broad, occuring in the range 1 < Re < 100.

    In the inertial region, T > 106, with L=cT2/3 the universal constant c is around c = 1.

    We don't see any evidence for the prediction[Grant and Elder(1999)] of a further reduction in scaling exponent to a regime of domain size scaling as T1/2, but this does not rule it out further into the inertial regime than we were able to simulate.

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    Kendon et al.(1999)
    V M Kendon, J-C Desplat, P Bladon, and M E Cates. 3-D spinodal decomposition in the inertial regime. cond-mat/9902346, 1999.

    A J Bray. Theory of phase-ordering kinetics. Adv. Phys., 43:-459, 1994.

    Grant and Elder.
    M Grant and K R Elder. Spinodal decomposition in fluids. Phys. Rev. Lett., 81:-14, 1999.

    Swift et al.(1996)
    M R Swift, E Orlandini, W R Osborn, and J Yeomans. Lattice Boltzmann simulations of liquid-gas and binary fluid systems. Phys. Rev. E, 54:-5052, 1996.

    Bladon and Desplat.
    P Bladon and J-C Desplat. Ludwig: A general purpose Lattice-Boltzmann code. in preparation.

    Revision: 18th April 1999
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